Trusted Mortgage Broker Calculators

enter-button midIn your search for the perfect home you have probably come to realise how time consuming it can be. Finding a mortgage can be just as demanding.

For many of us, time is one very important resource that we simply do not have much of. Work and personal commitments can be all consuming, therefore limiting the times when we can research loan options and compare lenders.

In this case, it is a great idea to embrace some of those technological advancements that have accompanied our transition to the modern world.

Some of the key questions you have about home loans can be found with a simple click of a mouse or swipe of your finger.


How much can I borrow?

By inputting a few key items of information like living expenses and income, you can use Trusted Mortgage Broker’s online calculator to get an estimate of the amount of money you may be able to borrow.

This can help you to narrow down a price range that will help you to eliminate unsuitable choices of properties.

Knowing your borrowing capacity will also help you to estimate future payments and sort out a financial plan.

You can now discover your borrowing capacity on the go with Trusted Mortgage Broker’s new “How much can I borrow?” calculator which you can find on our website.

It is important to note that while an online mortgage calculator can get you started, it is always worth speaking to one of our Trusted Mortgage Brokers to get more specific figures based on your personal situation.

Which loan is right for me?
You can also utilise Trusted Mortgage Broker’s online tools to determine which types of loans are suited to your personal circumstances.

Trusted Mortgage Broker’s online calculator can let you compare two different loans side by side, allowing you to see the kind of interest you may be paying and how long you will be making payments for.

What are the costs of buying?

There are also online calculators to help you determine stamp duty, transaction fees and all the other various charges that apply when you sign the dotted line on your new home.

Knowing this beforehand will help to budget and financially prepare for them.

Trusted Mortgage Broker has a great range of mortgage calculators to help with all those tough decisions that come with finding the right loan. Have a look at our calculators on our website to help you further.

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About the Author

Sue Hayter

Sue's service commitment is fantastic. At Trusted Mortgage Broker we work with our clients to ensure they understand their options, know exactly how much they can borrow and ensure they choose the right home loan and the right lender that is not unsuitable to their individual needs.

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