Why you don’t take home loan advice from family & friends

Why you don't take home loan advise from family and friendsWith a commitment as big as buying a house, you want to be certain you are making informed decisions at every step of the way.

Everything from where to buy, what type of property to go for, to the type of home loan interest rate and your repayment schedule requires careful consideration.

Especially in the case of your home loan – even though you may be able to change it further down the track, this can often cost you if there are fees attached by the lender.

So how do you make a confident decision about all the different aspects of a loan if you’ve never arranged home loan finance before?

We think it is a great idea to talk to those who have been here before, the home loan experts – a Trusted Mortgage Broker.

Family and friends

Most people don’t realise it but they are surrounded by people who have a home loan.

Every person who has a home loan has different financial circumstances to yourself and if you take advice from them you run the risk of misinformation. There are different loan products for various financial needs and therefore it is not wise to take advice from someone who is not an experienced professional credit adviser.

A Trusted Mortgage Broker

Where a Trusted Mortgage Broker can play a role is by helping you to understand your options on the current home finance market.

They can help you to develop a practical understanding of the pros and cons of different home loan scenarios.

That means you can take your ideas and those of others to them and they will help you to decide which is the right path for you to take.

Trusted Mortgage Broker has a great range of mortgage calculators to help with all those tough decisions that come with finding the right loan. Have a look at our calculators on our website to help you further. www.trustedmortgagebroker.com.au/calculators/

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About the Author

Sue Hayter

Sue's service commitment is fantastic. At Trusted Mortgage Broker we work with our clients to ensure they understand their options, know exactly how much they can borrow and ensure they choose the right home loan and the right lender that is not unsuitable to their individual needs.

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